Salzburger Land

Trans:aktion Lungau
mobile intervention

In the imaginary landscape of the supergau we implement a utopia of the free market according to the principles of action instead of trade, exchange instead of buying and action instead of transaction.
Along a new, imagined three marketplaces become fields of action become fields of action of the real experiment “Trans:action Lungau”. Through exchange with local actors and visitors we will write the history the history of the new market economy market economy, where goods of the post-growth society are traded is traded: Knowledge, creativity and time. Infrastructure for the route between the towns of Tamsweg, St. Michael and Mauterndorf are the bicycle trailers of the caravan parking space.



Sun 28.5. | 11 am – 9 pm Market day on the Tamsweg market square
Mon 29.5. | 11 am from Tamsweg market square to St. Michael (hike)

Wed 31.5. | 11 am – 9 pm Market day on the St.Michael market square
Thu 01.6. | 11 am from St. Michael market square to Mauterndorf (hike)
Sun 04.6. | 10 am – 4 pm Market day on the Mauterndorf market place| 1 pm Lunch for everyone



Karawane Parkraum: Dominik Berton, Maire Cordts, Jascha Jansen, Sina Jansen, Leon Klaßen, Laura Koch, Andries de Lange, Selina Schlez, Lukas Wichmann

From the car parks of Berlin to the market squares of Lungau: Karawane Freiraum consists of four colorful bicycle trailers, with the help of which public spaces can be reclaimed and used. Places are viewed from as many different perspectives as possible and creative uses are suggested. The team consists of creative, planning and cultural disciplines and combines creative activities with social issues.

Karawane Freiraum on Instagram



Market square Tamsweg || (busstop/parkinglot) (Line 270, 700)

Marketplace St. Michael | | busstop: Postplatz (line 270, 700)
Marketplace Mauterndorf | | (busstop/parkinglot) (Line 270, 700)

In the imaginary landscape of the supergau we implement a utopia of the free market according to the principles of action instead of trade, exchange instead of buying and action instead of transaction.
Along a new, imagined three marketplaces become fields of action become fields of action of the real experiment “Trans:action Lungau”. Through exchange with local actors and visitors we will write the history the history of the new market economy market economy, where goods of the post-growth society are traded is traded: Knowledge, creativity and time. Infrastructure for the route between the towns of Tamsweg, St. Michael and Mauterndorf are the bicycle trailers of the caravan parking space.



Sun 28.5. | 11 am – 9 pm Market day on the Tamsweg market square
Mon 29.5. | 11 am from Tamsweg market square to St. Michael (hike)

Wed 31.5. | 11 am – 9 pm Market day on the St.Michael market square
Thu 01.6. | 11 am from St. Michael market square to Mauterndorf (hike)
Sun 04.6. | 10 am – 4 pm Market day on the Mauterndorf market place| 1 pm Lunch for everyone



Karawane Parkraum: Dominik Berton, Maire Cordts, Jascha Jansen, Sina Jansen, Leon Klaßen, Laura Koch, Andries de Lange, Selina Schlez, Lukas Wichmann

From the car parks of Berlin to the market squares of Lungau: Karawane Freiraum consists of four colorful bicycle trailers, with the help of which public spaces can be reclaimed and used. Places are viewed from as many different perspectives as possible and creative uses are suggested. The team consists of creative, planning and cultural disciplines and combines creative activities with social issues.

Karawane Freiraum on Instagram



Market square Tamsweg || (busstop/parkinglot) (Line 270, 700)

Marketplace St. Michael | | busstop: Postplatz (line 270, 700)
Marketplace Mauterndorf | | (busstop/parkinglot) (Line 270, 700)

Trans:aktion Lungau
mobile intervention
Trans:aktion Lungau
mobile intervention
Trans:aktion Lungau
mobile intervention
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