Salzburger Land

place of observation

Sundial is an astral geometry. Visitors are invited to drop by and take a seat. Sundial invites you to place your body in relation to the movements of the sun in the sky and the landscape of the Lungau. Feel free to take your time and observe the movement of the shadows and the flowers that follow the sun.



Fri 26 May – Sun 04 June: daily from sunrise to sunset

Fri 02.06. | 7 pm Apéro with sundial and artists


Aurora Destro and Cristina Morbi / Maetherea

Maetherea is a multidisciplinary creative practice guided by artistic duo Cristina Morbi and Aurora Destro. Working internationally on Environmental Design and Public Art, it aims to create sustainable landscape design and art installations. Our work creates spaces that change through time, unifying performances of matter with natural and artificial phenomena. _________________________________________________________________


St. Andrä/ Litsching | | Busstop: Lintsching (line 720, 721) (approx. 10min by foot)



Botanischer Garten der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg

Sundial is an astral geometry. Visitors are invited to drop by and take a seat. Sundial invites you to place your body in relation to the movements of the sun in the sky and the landscape of the Lungau. Feel free to take your time and observe the movement of the shadows and the flowers that follow the sun.



Fri 26 May – Sun 04 June: daily from sunrise to sunset

Fri 02.06. | 7 pm Apéro with sundial and artists


Aurora Destro and Cristina Morbi / Maetherea

Maetherea is a multidisciplinary creative practice guided by artistic duo Cristina Morbi and Aurora Destro. Working internationally on Environmental Design and Public Art, it aims to create sustainable landscape design and art installations. Our work creates spaces that change through time, unifying performances of matter with natural and artificial phenomena. _________________________________________________________________


St. Andrä/ Litsching | | Busstop: Lintsching (line 720, 721) (approx. 10min by foot)



Botanischer Garten der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg