Composition with three mobile church bells in the landscape
Georg Nussbaumer plays the landscape with three mobile church bells, which create a sound triangle of several hectares. When struck at the same time, the distances between the bells create a shift in what is heard. The audience actively helps to compose the listening experience by strolling in the sound room of this triad. The listeners in the landscape “shape” the composition they hear by changing their positions, wandering and transforming.
Julia Griesebner
Katharina Pfennich
Johanna Schlömicher
Ornella Rodriguez
Fri, May, 14th.
| 18:45 – 19:30| Station #1 | St. Alban
Sat,May 15.
| 18:27 – 18:44| Station #2 | Schlipfing Dorfbeuern Sa 15.5.
| 19:09 – 19:31| Station #3 | Pinswang
Sun, May 16th
| 18:22 – 18:44| Station #4 | Obertrum
Sun, May 16th
| 19:10 – 19:32| Station #5 | Matzing Seeham
Tue, May 20th
| 19:57 – 20:42 |Stationt #6 | Resing | Meetingpoint Trumer Brauerei /Shuttle 45 min in advance*
Fri, May 21th
| 20:06 – 20:47 | Station #7 | Ostbucht Wallersee | Meetingpoint Trumer Brauerei /Shuttle 45 min in advance*
Sat May, 22nd
| 19:34 – 19:55 | Station #8 | Egelseen |Meetingpoint Trumer Brauerei /Shuttle 45 min in advance*
Sat, May 22nd.
| 20:25 – 20:48 | Station #9 | Köstendorf |
Sun, May 23rd
| 20:07 – 20:49 | Station #10 | Rattensam | Meetingpoint Trumer Brauerei /Shuttle 45 min in advance*
*Please note the exact times and locations / A shuttle is sometimes offered: Registration for the shuttle required – reservation for the shuttle:!
Georg Nussbaumer (AT)
introduces himself in an interview with Bernhard Flieher:
(the whole interview will soon be available to read – here is an excerpt).
[…] “Should bells ring more often for art?
Many church bells – especially in the cities – are muffled. They no longer sound beautiful, but often rather tinny. When you hear a really full peal of bells, it is a pleasure to experience the joy of “noise” – of a thoroughly harmonious noise. I think art should ring with all its instruments – with the very quiet ones and with the very loud ones.
So what happens when you wander around?
If you wander around the area during the performance, you can create a composition for yourself in which these three tones always ring out in different combinations. But you can just as well stay in one place and follow the participation of the air movements in this sound spectacle.“[…]
Manfred Tanner, Maschinenring Flachgau
Listening point # 1 to # 10
Line 120, Obertrum a. S. Seekirchner Str
Shuttle from Trumer private brewery to the listening points
Composition with three mobile church bells in the landscape
Composition with three mobile church bells in the landscape
Composition with three mobile church bells in the landscape
Composition with three mobile church bells in the landscape
Composition with three mobile church bells in the landscape