Salzburger Land

Kollektiv Belwerk: insecure landscapes_residency I

The artists Tillmann Gebauer and Constantin Graw from the Belwerk collective are bringing one hundred lights to Pinzgau for the Supergau Festival 2025.

During the first residency in May 2024, the local conditions were approached and light and landscape were experimented with great curiosity. The insights gained form the basis for the concepts of the final installations:

© Constantin Graw

Their project inscure landscapes literally sheds new light on landscapes, their characteristics and peculiarities, but also their problems. Without preconceptions and with an unbiased view, they search for challenging situations at the transitions between natural and cultural spaces in Salzburger Land.

© Constantin Graw

© Constantin Graw

A wandering light installation of 100 lamps emphasises the found peculiarities in a new way. The most interesting moments are those in which old certainties are shaken. In the semi-darkness, new perspectives emerge on familiar sights.

© Constantin Graw

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To Supergau Festival
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