Salzburger Land

Who can answer my questions about Supergau?

If something is not answered in our information, please send an e-mail to office[at] Questions about the Open Call can be sent by e-mail to Matthias Ais: kultur-wissenschaft[at]


What is Supergau for contemporary arts & what is the idea behind it?

Supergau is an imaginary landscape, a cultural primordial landscape! Supergau is temporarily limited and, during the festival, lies like a second level over the existing topography of Salzburg’s districts (commonly and historically called Gaue). Supergau is liberated from the supposed dominance of the city with its programmed cultural spaces, liberated from municipal museums, theatres and cabarets that have to be filled with a target audience. Liberated from the concept of public space, because Supergau only knows landscape. Supergau is surface and depth at the same time. Supergau has forest and meadow landscapes, mountain landscapes, house landscapes, asphalt and concrete landscapes. All these landscape forms and more can become a stage in Supergau, an artistic field of action. Supergau is a biennial festival that takes place exclusively in outdoor spaces. Supergau celebrated its premiere in Flachgau in 2021.


Who is behind the festival?

Supergau is based on an initiative of the Province of Salzburg and realises a central measure within the framework of the cultural development plan KEP Land Salzburg. The province of Salzburg is thus expressly committed to promoting contemporary art production, with which new ideas are conceived, developed, realised and shown. Supergau was conceived by Theo Deutinger and Tina Heine. Since 2022, Tina Heine has been the artistic director. Since 2022, the artistic direction has been in the hands of Tina Heine. Together with the state of Salzburg (as organiser), she will also be responsible for the next edition of the festival (2025 in Pinzgau).


Which artists will be part of the Supergau Festival 2025 in Pinzgau?

Andre Mayr, Marlene Mayr (Dekonstrukt), Dr. Michael Manfé – Linz

Benedikt Alphart, Roman Gavryliuk – Wien, Ukraine

Café Ibiza (Gabriel Jacobs, Alexander Klapsch, Antonia Leicht, Konrad Schlüter, Sophie Schwarz) – Rotterdam, Berlin, Wien

Detours (Anja Fritz und Silvia Gioberti (Guerilla Architects), Berit Fischer, Leon Klaßen) – Berlin

Elisabeth Harms – Pinzgau

HB & Töchter (Marlene Hauser, Flora Besenbäck) – Wien

Julia Schäfer – Stuttgart

Lola Göller, Flavio Degen – Berlin

Nora Grundtner, Katharina J. Ferner, Marlen Mairhofer – Salzburg

Pioniersplanters (Laurens Decoster, Bert Joostens, Sander Wallays) – Belgien

TEMPORA – Verein für vorübergehende Kunst (Veronika Glatzner, Julia Schranz), Matteo Haitzmann, Phillipp Laabmayr, Didi Resch – Salzburg

Tillmann Gebauer und Kollektiv Belwerk – Weimar


How were the artists selected?

The artists listed above were selected from over 500 submissions by an independent jury. The open nature of the festival is reflected in the composition of the jury and it was important to us to have perspectives from the Pinzgau region as well as from outside. The following people were part of the jury for the Supergau 2025 edition in Pinzgau:

Alex Römer (architect, initiator and member of the Constructlab collective, Berlin)

Cornelia Anhaus (dramaturge, curator, ex. Director of the theatre Werk X-Petersplatz, Vienna, born in Pinzgau)

Jakob Dietrich (managing director of the artists’ collective qujOchÖ, director of the art space MEMPHIS in Linz, director of the LINZ FMR festival)

Laila Huber (cultural anthropologist, director of the pro arte gallery, project collaborator at the University of Graz)

Lukas Bofinger (vegetation ecologist, artist, ex. employee of the environmental ombudsman’s office in Salzburg)

Tina Heine (artistic director of Supergau, Hamburg)


How can I participate in the Supergau project outside of an artistic organisation?

The festival marks the conclusion of a process that begins a year earlier with the first artist residency in the respective district. Several residencies and work phases are planned during this period. We want to connect local cultural actors with other national and international artists and offer them a common platform. Many artistic projects rely on local cooperation and collaboration with local people or are site-specific in their design. We welcome any willingness and openness regarding a possible collaboration: any insider tips are helpful and exciting exchanges on topics and interesting facts are welcome.


How did the name come about?

Gau is an ambiguous term for landscape, region or administrative unit. It probably comes from the Old High German word gouwe, gouwi – the word is related to Aue, a richly irrigated, fertile landscape. The term “Gau”, which has had a negative connotation since the Second World War but is still attached to these districts (Lungau, Pinzgau Flachgau, Tennengau and Pongau), is being recharged with the art project because they are simply super landscapes for the arts. The Supergau as a landscape has absolutely nothing to do with the SuperGAU (Greatest Accident to be Supposed) – and is not written as such.


How often does the festival take place and where & when next?

Until 2029, a different district in Salzburg is to be covered every two years. The biennial festival celebrated its premiere in Flachgau in 2021 and transformed Lungau into a contemporary arts superhero in 2023. In 2025, the festival will continue in Pinzgau at the end of May/beginning of June.


Where can I find information about the festivals in Flachgau and Lungau and insights into the projects?

All information about the 2023 projects in Lungau can be found here, all information about the 2021 projects in Flachgau can be found here. If you want to browse even further and travel to the Supergau 2023, you can hear, see and read impressions and insights in the magazine…


Where can I find press reviews and press material?

All this can be found behind the press button. Further exciting insights and outlooks can be found in our magazine.


How much does admission cost and where can I get tickets for the festival?

Admission to the festival is free of charge, so there are no tickets or even a limit for visitors.