Salzburger Land

The camping campus project!

Out of the lecture theatres, into the countryside! Out of the university, into the Lungau! An experimental meeting, learning and creative place to do it yourself – combined with the Supergau Festival for contemporary arts in Flachgau and Lungau.

Together, 20 students from a wide range of disciplines explored the spatial, social, cultural and economic characteristics of Lungau and Salzburger Land and responded to them with site-specific projects.


The campers built their own workshops and developed their own campus – handcrafted with heart and hand, with kettle on the fire, wood and drill, straw bales and tent, meeting place and sunbathing lawn…
Students and trainees from different disciplines asked themselves the question: How do we want to conduct independent, improvised and artistic research, learn from each other, for each other and deal with the social and natural spaces around us? The peculiarities of the Lungau Alpine region were questioned and explored in the context of our own shared and unfamiliar realities of life.

The students acted spontaneously with the Supergau 2023 festival organisation, with local collaborators and with festival artists and activists from all over the German-speaking world and beyond: keynotes, workshops, tours…

But there was also room for doing nothing – exploring what can emerge spontaneously without a plan and which connections grow without targets. Out of the stress of performance with tunnel vision, into curiosity with vision!

Find out more on the Camping Campus Instagram channel: @campingcampus_supergaufestival.